Monthly Archives: December 2004

Friday December 17, 2004

I’ve been going for this Career Research and Assessment Service (CRAS) provided by the UNSW School of Psychology this past week. It’s like a series of tests and interviews done to appraise your abilities, personality and career preferences to assist you in making sound decisions about your career direction. Which is fitting for me now especially now that i don’t really have a direction. Well….i kinda do…just want to know if […]

Tuesday December 14, 2004

I just watched Farenheit 9/11. I know…I’m way behind..but well…. It’s very disturbing to know that such a catastrophe happened because one single person in power didn’t listen. I couldn’t stop crying watching it, especially in the part about the war on Iraq. I mean I know the report may be a bit biased but I’m sure there are some truths to it and it’s so sad how money has really become the root of all evil. And […]

Monday December 13, 2004

Guys….my hotmail account is down. Has been for the past 3 days. I managed to log in but i can only see a blank page no matter how long i waited or how many times i refreshed. So..any important mails, please forward to my yahoo account: [email protected]. Thanks!!