Monthly Archives: November 2005

Monday November 14, 2005

I just got back from Shanghai! Yesterday evening. It was real fun…but quite tiring, not from work or anything but maybe from the lack of sleep. I made it all up by sleeping till 1:30pm this arvo. Anyways, it was raining 3 out of the 4 days we were there. I guess I shouldn’t consider it as work, but I was there as the correspondent for mobTV again for the […]

Sunday November 6, 2005

Suddenly felt like a colour change. Research shows that looking at ‘greens’ regardless of whether it’s the leaves on a tree or painting on the wall, soothes and relaxes the viewer and improves the eyesight!! (Don’t quote me on this!! hehe) Actually I don’t really like the new colour but i’m too lazy to change it back to pink. I’m going to Shanghai next Wednesday!!!!