Monthly Archives: February 2009

Are you still on the Quickie??

I’ve been asked that a bit recently and the answer is yes, I am still hosting the Quickie. Recently, we had a little change in the host lineup thus a change in the hosting roster as well. I used to be on every Monday to Thursday but now…..well, I’m on random days of the week and I’m now on weekends as well!!  For the next 2 months also, our slots […]

Black no more!

It’s been almost 2 years since I last coloured my hair. I shot a hair commercial back in 2007 and had to colour my hair black. Since then, I haven’t done anything to my hair and kept it dark for it to recuperate (haven’t had black hair since I started colouring my hair after high school). I’ve wanted to colour it for a while now, but somehow, I’ve always procrastinated […]


Not sure if you’ve seen this ad on TV but this is something I’m currently working on – a music and entertainment program for your mobile phones. I co-produce and host this ‘made for mobile’ program and we’ve currently recorded 8 episodes. Each episode is only a minute long, so it’s short and succint and suitable for mobile consumption. And get this ok, it’s FREE to subscribe!! When you type […]