Monday January 10, 2005

Alright people…this is going to be another picture entry. Went to Anj’s place Saturday night for our much awaited…games night. Had so much to eat, too much to laugh about/at and lots of xanga gossip… It was a great night. The killer of the night was me as Scooby Doo….which I have a video clip of and am never ever ever going to show it. I looked like a RETARD trying to be a talking dog! goshh…very very embarassing…but it was all in good fun. We have to do it again guys! Cranium kicks ass! hehehe…

Kiss the cooks!

Mattie’s style Tiramisu.

It’s Cranium time!

It’s a Hut! No! It’s Wonder Woman!! hahaha…

Vroommmm…………Fast & Furious!!

Eprops for anyone who can guess what this sculpture is. Hint – It’s just wrong timing!

Went to watch Ladder 49 all the way at Chatswood last night, after a hectic day at work. It’s good, not so much an action flick as I would expect, more of a moving drama. Very touching, makes me want to go become a fire fighter. hehehe…

Today I bought some black lace ribbons from Spotlight to make a choker for Jenny’s 21st on Saturday. The theme is Moulin Rouge. The whole time this evening I was re-modifying bits of the top I bought. So far I only have the top, I still need to get a skirt…and I don’t have a pair of shoes that’ll go with the outfit!! All this effort for just one night…..gosh….it’s too much!


Only people who weren’t present at games night can have a guess at picture No.6. No eprops for you, Isa! hahahaha!

I just realised after reading Anj’s post that there weren’t any pictures with me in it during games night …..just the retard video.

0 comments on “Monday January 10, 2005

  1. StonedEwok

    awwwwww bel!!! no pics with u!?!??!

    how can that be???
    crap crap crap!
    we gotta have another and take pics of u this time!

    You as Scooby Doo = unforgettable memory ! 🙂

    i totally want your camera….

    p.s. i’m screwed for this moulin rouge party!

  2. miss_anj

    i know…i can’t believe we didn’t get a pic of bel! ridiculous!!

    hehe..but scooby doo was the best! i’m so proud i got it! good job! =p ahhaahahah

    that cranium shot is nice. man. i should’ve smiled like everyone else. i look like a have a massive head and no body in that shot.

    moulin rouge…i’m gonna go shower now and go shopping for outfit. and my brother in law’s birthday present too!!


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