41 Weeks

Wow….it’s been almost a year since my last update! Time really does fly. Reading back, pregnancy was a breeze compared to being a new mum! 🙂 Lil Dani is now 9 months old and a total cutie pie. I’ve been meaning to blog about my experiences as a new mum and all the little quirks and milestones my little one has achieved, but being a full time mum and part […]

We’re in the home stretch, baby!

Well time sure flies… Since my last update I’m now in my third trimester, going into 35 weeks. Just a couple more weeks before my baby girl says hello to the world. 🙂 After the whole drama of the first trimester, I’ve had a very comfortable pregnancy from the 5th month onwards. Even now with my belly the size of a small watermelon, besides getting the usual heartburn and pretty […]

Brand New Chapter…

Hi all, If you haven’t seen my little update on Twitter and Facebook, well, it’s time to officially announce here on my blog that I am going to be a mummy!!! 🙂 The little one at 13 weeks. Its back facing us. I actually realized I was pregnant while still shooting The Ring Mission (幸福任务) so this little miracle is my very own 幸福任务. I’m 14 weeks in now and truth […]