Thursday August 16, 2007
I’ve been tagged by Kim to list out my childhood ambitions. I wasn’t a very ambitious child, but I work hard, and I always get what I set out to do. So anyways, here they are….
This was when I was in Primary 2-3. I know, cliche right, every little girl wants to be a teacher. But I grew out of it after Primary 3 when I started swimming because then I wanted to be a….
Professional Swimmer
Yes, I thought I’d represent Malaysia one day in the Olympics, trained my ass off, got to represent Malaysia (but not in the Olympics) and figured that I didn’t have the size or the determination to become a world class swimmer. That’s when I thought, since my studies were suffering, I’d end up a….
Swimming Coach
Teaching little children how to swim. I did teach little tots to splash in the water for a little while but I stopped because I was being splashed at a little too much by those kids!! That was also when the Spice Girls were popular and I had 3 of my best friend who would come over to my place and we’d lip sync to their songs and that’s when I thought that i’d like to be a…
Pop Star
Yea, just like Britney Spears (way back when she was still the nice innocent-looking girl, not the pop tart she is now…) I dreamt of singing on an elaborate stage in front of a sea of fans, and finish up to a uproar of applause. But this will always remain a dream because I know my voice is not strong enough to sing professionally and I’ll just be mediocre and embarass myself if I do.
Stewardess/Tour Guide
When it came time to pick a course at college, I was contemplating taking a simple diploma in tourism and several language courses and then go become a stewardess for a couple of years before coming back to become a tour guide. I was this <–> close to choosing this path when it dawned on me that television is my passion.
TV Host
Which leads to my current ‘career path’. Deep down, I’ve always wanted to host and I know that was why I chose to study Media and Communications. Although I was still doubtful then about whether I’d be brave enough or good enough to step up to the plate as a host. When I graduated with Distinction, I thought, you know what, I’d be a great producer too. So I went into my first job at 8TV as a production assistant all gung-ho about being a producer. After a couple of months, I figured I owed myself an oppoturnity to try out and like they say, the rest is history. I’m also looking at more acting gigs and although I’ve been to plenty of auditions, the right script has yet to come along.
Looking into the future…
When I’m old and my face has become TV unfriendly, I’d like to go back behind the scene and be part of creating pop culture.
Freelance Writer
I’m also thinking about this one, maybe when I have my own family then I can work from home and become a contributor for a magazine.
Well, there you have it. I think what’s most important about choosing a career path is to make sure you’re interested in what you do. I know sometimes it’s easier said than done, with pressures from parents or friends, but if you’re doing something just for the sake of your parents or just for the sake of ‘higher pay’, sooner or later, you’ll be unhappy with your job and you’d wake up every morning wishing that you don’t have to go in to work.
I believe that if you set your mind to it, you can achieve anything. I remembered how my english lecturer in college, Ms Sujata (God bless her soul) gave us an assignment to train our mind power. She asked us to write down in a small piece of paper, something we really want happen and write it in the present tense and keep it close to you and believe it with all your heart that it’ll come true and it will. And guess what? Mine has!!
Ok now it’s your turn to tell me what your ambitions are. Past dreams, current occupation and future ambition, realistic or not, I want to know! I’m tagging everyone and anyone who is willing to take time out to complete this little assignment. Have fun!!
Hahaha, I too have an ambition before as a teacher, dunno why our mind set back in those era are like oredi set to have ambitions like teachers and doctors… LoL! but I’ve fulfilled my childhood dreams that is to live in a house full of toys…hahaha!
i did the tag thing cause kim tagged alli and she tagged me and so yeah.
on blogspot though. and mine aren’t practical.
kimmik…mine wasn’t practical too… now to come to think of it, i was a really unrealistic lost lil kiddo. haha. but yeah… i’d love to be a travel host someday.
wow, u truly deserve to be where you are right now. that’s awesome .how come nobody’s dream is to be rich tai-tai?
It’s always good to have dreams and passion. It’s even greater that you persue them, because in the end, that will bring you true happiness. When I watched the StarWars Trilogy back in 1995, it’s 20th Anniversary on Ch10, I knew that I’d want to make films. Films that bring people to galaxy’s far far away.
I was grateful that at Highschool in yr9, there was drama classes, taught me how to act and the art of filmmaking.
Though, to satisfy my parents, my dreams of becoming a filmmaker was put on hiatus, I studied 3 horrible years of CompSci at Usyd. But once done, I did a Masters of Film…. and after working here and there in the Vid and Cable industry, I’m not just 3 weeks away from studying screen writing in New York!
But life is always gonna have many twists and turns. I don’t regret what I did, as it allowed me to meet many wonderful people along the way. So, goodluck with you dreams too Bel!
random props.
Hi there,
I read what you have posted up about future dreams and ambitions. Sometimes, when you’re young, you should follow your dreams and no-one else’s. But you know what? I use to believen in that as well, you know: “If you dream, aim for the stars, so if you miss, you’d have the clouds to cushion your fall.” Sometimes, you don’t always get what you want and things in-life get in the way of your dreams, so you live life one day at a time.. It’s easier that way and you don’t get disappointed either.. Right? But anyhow, good luck in your endeavors and continue in your success…