Thursday August 2, 2007
Sorry I haven’t been updating as often, my schedule’s been packed for the past 2 weeks! I was suppose to go in for a photoshoot today but that’s been postponed so that leaves me some time to just sit down and blog. Am down with the flu, big time. But I’ve been staying off medication and trying to fight it off by popping Vitamin Cs and lots of water because I’m hoping to be able to to donate blood (for the first time in my life!!) this coming Monday! It’s for the Bleed It Out Blood Donation Drive organised by Warner Music. But judging from my condition now, I don’t think they’ll want my flu-virus infested blood come Monday. I’ll still be there however to cover the event for 8TV, so all of you interested in donating a lil bit of your blood to help save another life, do click on the link above to find out where, how and when.
Now to pictures!! Here are some pictures taken from when I was back in Kuching last month for the Rainforest Music Festival.
With my best buddies on a night out in Kuching. (Angie, we partied Borneo style didn’t we?? hahaha…) Went to Mojo on Friday night just to chill. When we got there, the place was almost empty so we started playing Monopoly! But all of a sudden, a whole rush of people came by and it sort of disrupted our game. We found out that it was because there was a raid at nearby Soho. hehehe….
The 10th Rainforest Music Festival. My friends and I only bought a one day pass so we went there on Saturday night.
The swarm of people there on Saturday night. We had to camp out very far from the stage and could only see the show from the projector screen.
We ventured out of our little nest late that night and bumped into quite a few friends. One of whom I surprised by creeping up behind her while she was cam-whoring was of course, this girl, the lovely IngHui, my old swimming buddy. I was looking around but didn’t see any of my KL friends that night although I heard that so many of them were there.
I didn’t take a lot of pictures when I was back in Kuching. Like I said in my previous entry, I had a really relaxing holiday, nothing was rushed, me and my friends took it easy, went out for drinks, watched movies, and of course ate everything! It was great seeing everyone again and although I won’t be back anytime soon, I don’t think I’ll miss much of anything else but my friends.
Has anyone seen this girl?? My Mobile World(MW) July issue cover. The hazards of having a blog and posting pictures – I walked in to the office in this outfit and the journalist at MW straight away said that she’s seen me in it before!!! So embarassing….. hehehe….
I like all these small little pictures they threw in…
I was also featured in this month’s iFeel magazine’s fashion section. Do check it out if you can. I look almost ghostly…hehehe.
The 8TV Quickie team has finally got together for an official photoshoot! We’ll have our faces on merchandises soon, hopefully. Here’s one of the Weekday trio!
Aishah, Raz and Belinda!
Last Friday, Aishah and I went for the launch of the Jimmy Choo boutique here in KL. Manage to grab a couple of pictures. Thanks to Rachel from Lush Icon for providing us with my Karen Walker denim dress and Aishah’s Hansel dress. They made such a statement!! Everyone was asking us about our ‘gorgeous’ dresses! Do check out Lush Icon’s website or head on over to their store at AvenueK for one of a kind designer pieces!
Wahhhh…..all the pretty ladies in a row!! From Left: Gloria Ting, Liza Tay, SerenaC, Aishah Sinclair, Stephanie Chai, Lil’ Ol’ Me, Elaine Daly, Carmen Soo and Marion Caunter.
The girls with Christien New, one helluva funy guy! There are more pictures of the event at his blog!
Ok guys, that’s all the pictures I have for this entry. I got to go have lunch now. Before I go though, it’s official, NICOLE RICHIE IS PREGNANT WITH JOEL MADDEN’S BABY!!! Aiyaya….!!
Looking good as usual Belinda…gonna grab that mobile world magazine, probably learn something that I don’t know from reading your blog..hehe. One last thing…it was a Jimmy Choo Boutique, did they let you try on any of those $$$$ shoes? Perhaps one of those goodie bag gift shoes if there’s any….
The No.1 Football Blog in Malaysia
i was at rainforest on sunday…too bad didnt see you le..
Hey Bel.. Looks like you’re doing great back home! Didn’t know Melee is in Kuching as well now. I always thought she’s still in Adelaide! How’s everything in Kuching? Haven’t been back for a while.. How’s everyone doing back there?
KLUE August issue ( last page ) There you are Bel ! =)
I am so red! Hahaha rainforest was fantastic!
you’re doing well babe….someone definitely to look up to esp in hosting / how you carry yourself. must get pointers from you soon coz i’m in this hosting / modelling reality show.
btw, i tagged u on my xanga blog – do check it out. 🙂
love ur black n white dress with the red belt, any idea where i can get a similar one? many thanks x
You really suck during the Merdeka live quickie. Talked too much and trying to grab attention all the time. Didn’t you even notice the other VJs got irritated with all your too much jabbering?
Also, Tunku Abdul Rahman DID NOT beg the queen for our independence. BIMBO! I still can’t believe you would insult our first prime minister on live TV. You also insult a lot of other Malaysians by not remembering your historical facts properly.
Don’t talk about your watch going too fast either. Such a stupid thing to say as fillers especially on such an important event like the Merdeka countdown.
This is the first time i’ve watch you on TV before and sadly, you really looked more like a bimbo than a professional VJ. You’re the WORST host I’ve ever seen on television.