Thursday July 7, 2005
Guess who got to meet, shake hands and have a picture taken next to Eason Chan today? Me of course!!!
Damn the guy with the spiky hair covering my pretty face! Hahaha…But I still got up close, and he had his hands on my shoulder!! I’m not the biggest fan but he is a HK superstar…so…..I was crazily happy after this picture!! hahaha…. It’s a pity he didn’t have enough time to take a one-on-one picture, it would’ve been priceless! Anyway….that was the highlight of my day. Let’s hope they’ll be more to come….lets say…..Edison Chen?! or maybe Nicholas Tse?!
Till then, die of envy everyone!!!
Eason had his hands on my shoulder! hahahahaa…….~crazy~Â
Aaaaa…lucky you!! M not a fan of him..so m not that envy. Taking pictures with celebrities sure is something exciting whether u r a fan o not,huh? M happy for ya!! keep posting pictures n blogs!! Hav a good day ^^
o…and you still stood out in the crowd though the spiky hair almost covered your face ^^ because Eason stood beside you *big grin*
u r so preety gal! nice to know u… well, are u from malaysia?which part of malaysia??
omg woman!!! eason!!! hahahaha he’s so mad!!! you should’ve got me an autograph!!
omg..the day nicholas tse comes. call me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
so lucky u… but.. *ahem* who is eason? *shy*
i prefer nicholas tse and edison too!
in most of ur photos.. looks like u sluch alot.. that or ur head protrudes out alot ^^
lol i can’t say i’m a huge fan of his, but then which girl wouldn’t swoon in his presence right? and edison seems to have taken over the hearts of most of my gal pals. lol. btw have i ever mentioned to you that you have an awesome job? yes believe i have. 😉