Acting out!
Hi all!!
So my first Mandarin TV series ‘Love in Seoul’ has finished its run on 8TV. If you missed any episodes, you can watch it online at You have to sign up first to be able to watch any shows online, so just sign up, it’s free!!
I’ve wanted to blog about my appearance on another mandarin TV series before it went on air, but I was so caught up with work that I totally forgot. It was on last Sunday on 8TV at 8:30pm.  Just one episode on the insurance-related crime-fighting series ‘The Adjusters’. You can watch it by clicking here.
I actually shot this episode before going to Korea to shoot ‘Love in Seoul’. And to be honest, it is one of the most challenging roles I’ve had to play ( I haven’t acted in a lot of shows but yea….you get my drift). Some people might think it’s easy because of the state of the character, I didn’t have to emote much at all, but everything I had to do to be this character went against my natural instincts and I’ve had to fight off showing too much emotion on my face, not to mention, do a really forced fake/scary smile and speak at an unusually slower pace (my mandarin already isn’t that good to begin with!)
But I’ve received quite a number of comments and so far, it’s all been pretty good. This episode touched quite a number of people and made them cry, which was good I guess, means the story was realistic enough that people can relate. :) I credit it all to a great script and Li Ye, who’s the scriptwriter, actually went to speak to several autistic people to get a clearer picture of this disorder, she shared her experience with me and gave me great tips on how to make the character seem more realistic. Also, the director was a great help as well. He managed to tone my hyper self down and get all the non-emotion out of me. hehehe… Anyways, do go and watch it if you haven’t and comment away!
In other news, this week is my final week hosting The 8TV Quickie. 🙁 My contract has come to an end and I’ve decided not to continue. 2 and a half years of great fun, silly moments, ups and downs, stupid mistakes, great laughs, fantastic work assignments, even more fantastic work travels, meeting my co-hosts and developing great friendships with them, crazy colleagues, money can’t buy experiences…. it’s hard to let go, but I know I have to, to move on and move up…. somehow…
Hopefully you’ll get to see me host other shows on 8TV in the future. Maybe more acting gigs?:) Truth be told, I don’t have much lined up at the moment, but all I know is I’m not done with this industry yet. I’m going to take a couple of months off, do some traveling – I’ve already planned to visit a couple of places in the next few months, spend more time with my family (I can finally spend Christmas and New Years with my friends and family and not at work!! :)) and just enjoy the instability of being a freelancer again. Wish me luck!!
Love, Bel
Bel,I will support you forever.All the best to you 🙂
hi belinda:) i do hope to see u on tv in the future! be it hosting or acting, but i think i am looking forward for more acting. all the best!
Didn’t know you’re leaving quickie until i saw the message in twitter!
Anyway, hope to see you hosting in 8tv again in future! ^_^
have a break,have a kit-kat. LOL
Bel, saw you in The Adjusters. Just kinda weird y u didnt blog bout it.Hehe…Now, I saw it. Yup, tat role is quite difficult.I tink you did good.You express quite well which I tink tat is the most difficult part in acting when your script is not actually so much as well..Keep it up!
Sad to hear you are no longer hosting. However, good luck on the roads ahead.
Be cheerful & gambatte!
Quickie will not be the same w/o u 🙁
All the best to you. Sometimes one just have to do what one have to do.
Belinda,its kind of sad when i you say that you no longer hosting quickie….
well,i hope you can be a successful person in the future..
Bel,we’ll miss you=) Jiayou…
Belinda, yr acting in the adjusters is kinda touching and i think you really portrayed the character almost perfectly~!
hi, belinda. may i know where did you bought your green bag (the one you carry in the drama 0love at love at seoul)??
Joe Ann,
It was actually my producer’s bag. She got it at GAP. 🙂
YEA!!! I CRIED..kudos bel…
it’s sad to know we ar enot gonna see your face again on 8TV QUICKIE..=(
YEA!!! I CRIED..kudos bel…
it’s sad to know we ar enot gonna see your face again on 8TV QUICKIE..=(
however..good luck in ur future career!!=)
Hi bel, it is really sad to know you leaving Quickie, is gonna be very different without you.I always looking forward to watch Quickie that you host 🙂 It is real natural and nice,with you being yourself 🙂 Hope to see you again on the show! Where are you planning to go holiday? Have fun spending your christmas and new year ahead with family and friends 🙂
christine ^_^
bel,im going to miss u…..hope to see u again on tv show.
bel.. i just watch 8tv quickie.. i will support you forever..
do the best bel!
[BEL] im here to wish you all the best to your next journey im sad cauz you had to leave quickie crewT_T.Hence i also wish you alway sweet time with your lovely [JOE].Since christmas are around the corner,im here wish you all dreams will come truth.~~
Hai Bel….it is sad that u’re leaving 8tv quickie…..i like to watch this show…….but by the way i will support you forever ……i also hope to see u on television soon…..ok bye….
All da best to you Bel.
Hi Bel,
Good job for ur acting in The Adjuster! Really hope to see u appear in TV someday soon. Enjoy ur holiday and have enough rest before move on the next stage of life. ^_^
Hi Belinda,
Your role in The Adjuster did send a touching message across. It did leave a lasting impression on me. For a newcomer, you did justice to the role. I wish you well in your future undertakings. 🙂