Sunday May 18, 2008
On Saturday, I turned 26! I guess my age is no secret since I have my year of birth on display for the world to see anyways! To celebrate, I took a ‘real’ vacation. Joe brought me to Pangkor Laut Resort for the weekend. It was my best birthday gift ever! I got to spend the whole day by the beach, read my book, napped in a hammock, swam in an infinity pool, had a 3 hour massage and had so much good food to eat!
I feel thoroughly rejuvenated after this short trip. I got back today and had a nice dinner with the family just now to celebrate. I am so grateful that a good year has come and passed and hopefully year no.26 will be an even better one for me.
I’d really like to thank everyone who sent text messages/called with wishes. I’m always touched/surprised/happy that people cared enough to remember my birthday even if we haven’t spoken or kept in touch in a while. Thanks everyone! Will upload some pictures soon. Meanwhile, enjoy the Public Holiday tomorrow!
*Update: Pictures!!
Happy belated birthday.
Happy belated birthday. You may be 26 but you do look like you’re 21! Age doesn’t matter as long as you’re always young at heart >.<
Have a lovely day~!~!
happy belated birthday^^Stay cute always~
I always feel lazy to get back to work after holidays. But anyway, Happy Birthday. My birthday is coming up soon.
happy birthday! 26 ain’t all that bad, though 25 is a prettier number! 😀
post more pics…we readers enjoying seeing pic rather than words. haha
Happy belated birthday!
You are still young! Lots of energy to charge ahead into the future to discover so much more of yourself. Have a great week!
WOWWW…. must be super shiok lorr!!! I lived in a town at the mainland close to pangkor island… for nearly 2 decades.. never have I once stepped onto pangkor laut!!! enjoy lar u!!
happy birthday!!!!
hey man, looks idyllic! joe’s a keeper! 😀