Sunday October 31, 2004
I had a day off from work today (Sunday- past midnite now). It’s been a while since I had a weekend off. Just as well coz, I went into the labs last night and did an all-nighter. Was there till about 8 a.m. this morning and I’ve finished editing my video!! So happy!!
After I had my nap, I dragged Joe along with me to Bondi Beach to see the ‘Sculpture by the Sea’ art exhibition, seeing it was such a nice day today. I’m not so much of an ‘art-lover’ but i guess the ocean backdrop made these sculptures looked so much better…
I expected a lot of people to be at the beach but not THIS many!! We like had to walk in a queue to just see the sculptures. Oh well…i’m not complaining….the weather was oh-so-fabulous today…
Bondi Beach sign ala Hollywood…..very nicee…
This one looks like a lady’s been crushed by rows of chains….especially with the exhibition number next to it….looked like it might’ve been something from C.S.I. Very cool.
If I’d seen this in an art gallery, I don’t think it would’ve appeal as much to me as it did with this backdrop.
Those are sea shells…..very pretty..
Throwing this in just because I’m in it….haha….
Another piece which I thought would look a bit ‘blah’ if it was in an art gallery, but here…it looks good.
These flowers were made from aluminium foil which I thought were really pretty. Inside each flower are like small little electrical components, like LEDs and conductors.
After the exhibition, I dragged Joe (again… he wasn’t peeved though, although we were stuck in a jam going and coming back, and had a hell of a time looking for parking… so it was all good) to the Bondi Beach markets just to look at some accessories. Bumped into my “cool” legal issues tutor, George, at the markets. He was topless, in his boardies and had a huge, aviator sunnies on. Had a really nice day indeed today. Can’t wait to be able to just hang out at the beach everyday.
11 more days before the end of my Uni life!
the pic with you and the shells make it look as though you have a GIANT halo going on there heheheheh
I wonder if its a subliminal message?
Gay George!! He’s soooooo awesome! hahaha
Great pics! I want to go see that art, but have been so busy, stoopid media!
omg bel!! u’ve finished your video!!!??!!? aww far out. i’m 2 minutes and 39 seconds into mine..and i’m waiting for it to render rite now. taking ages.
and i love the pics! i really like the one that has all those ppl in it. like a sillouhette thing going on.
Wow… look stunning in the pics. XD~
hey bel,
nice photos. my faves are the bondi beach “hollywood-esque” sign, and the foil flowers
i really wanna see the exhibition too…
but dont have any time…
when does it finish?
It’s till Nov 14 if i’m not mistaken…
Still time to check it out!