Thursday October 20, 2005
My first ever fashion spread is out!! November’s Citta Bella. Pg 162-165. Hehe…so exciting. If i can find a scanner, I’ll scan it and post it here. Some of the clothes were quite horrendous though, and i looked pretty short and quite bad in most shots, ahaha…but whatever….it’s my first ever fashion spread and there’s like 20 of me to look at!!! hahahah….vain vain vain….
Parents coming back tomorrow! And I have to cook for 80 orphans tomorrow!! hahaha…Hopefully it’ll turn out alright.
Bel merupakan seorang insan yang berbatu-batan ( Bel is someone who rocks)
80 Orphans! Wow..
All the best to the orphans then.. Hehe.. =p
Looking forward to see the pictures in xanga !! 80 orphans?? *faint* all the best Ooo! Tell us about the orphans and the cooking!! Take care!! God bless *grin*
bel bluff, she didn’t cook also….muehehehe